
Monday, January 24, 2011

Lemme ask you this

You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.- Zig Ziglar
The Questions
 1. Do you use water-saving bathroom equipments at home (eg low flow shower head, dual flushes toilet) If not, are you willing to spend some money to install these features?
2. Do you use showers or baths more often?
3. What do you do when you brush your teeth?
4. Do you insulate your water pipes?
5. Do you monitor your water bill to check for leaks in the house?
6. Other than used toilet paper, do you throw any other rubbish into the toilet bowl?

Bryan the Abandoner replied via Skype

"Your questionnaires are fine, but for Question 3, you should add some responses to it. Not yes/ no responses, but for example like 1- Use a glass 2- The tap just runs etc etc. "

Maxwell the Dinoboy replied via Skype

"For Question 6, it's too personal. What if people didn't just throw toilet paper in? What if they flush other things in? What if it's too personal to be revealed?"

Zahir replied via Skype

"For Question 6, what if they threw other stuff in too? And for your responses, you should let respondents to state reasons for their choice."

I agree with them. Yes, in a respondent's point of view, Question 6 would definitely be a little touchy and some people might not feel very comfortable about this question. However, as surveys can be anonymous thus I don't think respondents will really mind to answer the personal Question 6. But all the same, I tried to rephrase my questions so that the survey would be more effective and it doesn't intrude other people's privacy (I'd say).

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