
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Group Mock Project Reflection 20.10.2011

For this two weeks, we have been working hard on coming out with an outcome of our Group Project. But before choosing a suitable medium, we narrowed down our different aspects that we can look at peak oil to the social, political and economical impacts in a post peak oil world. The reason to doing this is because these three aspects are interrelated. 

Thus, we that in mind, we decided that we will be producing a mockumentary. At first, we wanted to produce a serious documentary, History Channel style. But we realised that it would be more interesting to produce an end-product which will gauge people's attention, especially when our goal is to raise awareness about peak oil. And comedies work all the time, given that it's not too cliche or lame. So we decided to switch out focus a little and come out with a mockumentary.

Over the past 2 weeks, I think we have been working quite hard as a group. Right from choosing the aspects that we would want to focus on to looking for a suitable end-product, we have actively participated and discussed about different ways of producing our end-product. 

We have came up with a checklist which hopefully can be done by tomorrow. It's all filming.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

3.10.2011 Reflection (Peak Oil)

We read all the articles and watched all the videos provided in KN individually. We decided to do this instead of reading the articles and watching the videos together because we do not want to be influenced. In this way, we can form our own views and have a personal response towards this issue.

We also did the fishbone diagram. This was done by separating the workload into 4 main sections namely, personal, national, global and future. This was more efficient as we can work on the diagram simultaneously. Also, we allocated the specific roles according to their specialities. For example, Bryan and I have lived in Malaysia pretty much our whole lives so we did the national perspective of peak oil, a section that is closer to heart. 

We are a pretty close-knitted group so it wasn't really difficult to work in a group. I personally find it more interesting to work in a group because there are more views to a certain topic.