
Monday, July 11, 2011


Trait 1: Implementer
I do have common sense, have self-control and discipline. 

Trait 2: Monitor-evaluator
I do prefer accuracy over speed. For me, quality is more important than quantity.

Trait 3: Completer-finisher 
I get panicky when things are not done on time. But I remain my steadiness and calm even under pressure. 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Teamwork 01

1. What do you think you are good at?
- Coming up with good ideas
- Making sure people do their work on time
- Include everyone during a discussion
- Meeting deadlines
- Working with other people
- Communicating

2. What areas do you think could be an issue?
- Ensuring that everyone is updated on the issues
- Making sure that everyone meets the deadline

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Nicole Lee
Bryan Chen
Maxwell Lim

- equal amount of inputs.

Our team has:
- has a great mixture of gender and nationality.
- We live in different districts. Thus, we can compare the rate of vandalism.
- We have considerable chemistry.

A successful team:
- can work with each other, cooperate and communicative
- mutual understanding and respect
- equal distribution of work
- inclusive

- To be able to finish our work on time
- Make sure that everyone is involved
- Respect each other's views
- Be organised
- Be communicative, no arguments!